Adult Autism Support
Adult Autism Support in Pa.
CRI’s Supports Coordinators have learned to establish positive working relationships with their individuals, their families, and their teams by utilizing BSASP guiding principles:
- Make people feel valued
- Establish trust
- Be accessible
- Be organized
- Be a good communicator
Adult Autism Waiver Supports Coordination Organization
“Person + Action = Person Centered Planning”: CRI is a Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) for the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) under the direction of Office of Developmental Programs.
All the Supports Coordinators at CRI have been trained to embrace the Foundation of LifeCourse Framework which believes all people have the right to live, love, work, plan and pursue their dreams and aspirations in the community.
The LifeCourse Framework offers flexible, dynamic tools that can assist anyone in creating a vision of an everyday life. The Framework assists a person in discovering supports for the experiences, relationships, and community opportunities which will help make their vision a reality. These tools become a living document in an individual portfolio format that can guide conversations and strategies across a lifespan.
Are You Ready for a Helping Hand?
If you are ready to have a helping hand but are unsure of where to begin, our Care Reps can help you build a program that works for you and your unique needs. To schedule a teleconference or in-person consultation, please call or complete the form.
Our SCO Utilizes Everyday Lives:
Values in Action Philosophy Developed by the Information Sharing & Advisory Committee (ISAC)
The ISAC recommendation are:
- Assure Effective Communication
- Promote Self Direction, Choice and Control
- Increase Employment
- Support Families Throughout the Lifespan
- Promote Health, Wellness and Safety
- Support People with Complex Needs
- Develop and Support Qualified Staff
- Simplify the System
- Improve Quality
- Expand Options for Community Living
- Increase Community Participation
- Provide Community Services to Everyone
- Evaluate Future Innovations Based on Everyday Lives Principles
- Promote Racial Equality
If you have been approved for the Adult Autism Waiver call CRI today at 814-838-7222 EXT 1026 to speak with one of our Adult Autism Waiver Supports Coordinators.
If you are not already on the Adult Autism Waiver and wish to request an application, please call toll-free at 1-866-539-7689 to speak with a Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations representative.