Independent Living Skills

Independent Living Skills

The Independent Living Skills Program is designed to help people with disabilities make the most of their abilities and increase self-reliance and self-confidence.We can help you take control of your life in order to live independently through trainings, resources, and information.

Independent living (IL) simply means having equal access to the same opportunities as the rest of society as specified by the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act. Our staff provides instruction and training to people living with disabilities to assist them with living independently.

Trainings may include daily living skills such as:

  • Budgeting
  • Goal-setting
  • Learning public transportation
  • Self-advocacy • Organization
  • Personal grooming
  • Nutrition
  • Meal planning and grocery shopping
  • Stress management
  • Communication skills

Our staff can also assists consumers in researching and applying for community resources such as Medicaid services and waivers, Medicare benefits, SNAP benefits, energy assistance, SSI, SSDI, Meals on Wheels, and more.

Call today to be set up with an Independent Living Advocate to schedule a one-on-one personal assessment. Our advocates will encourage you in setting goal(s) and offer resources and support designed to help you be successful. To schedule an appointment, please call our Information & Referral Specialist at 814-838-7222 or 800-530-5541.

Get Support to Stay Where You Feel Most Comfortable.

If you are ready to have a helping hand but are unsure of where to begin, our Care Reps can help you build a program that works for you and your unique needs. To schedule a teleconference or in-person consultation, please call 1-800-530-5541 or complete the form.