Consumer Wellness
Empowering Wellness: Monthly Gatherings at CRI Fostering Healthy Living, Advocacy, and Community Engagement
On a monthly basis, staff and consumers meet at CRI or in the community to discuss healthy living, current events/issues related to disability legislation, increase and ensure social determinants of health, promote peer relationships, and foster the independent living philosophy. This group provides both an educational setting as well as an opportunity to allow for an active lifestyle. By offering a plethora of activities we provide a bright, vibrant, colorful experience for consumers.
If you are a current CRI consumer and would like to be on our consumer wellness mailing list to keep up to date on upcoming events please contact your case manager at CRI. If you are someone interested in joining our consumer wellness please contact the Center for Independent Living at 814-838-7222.
Get Support to Stay Where You Feel Most Comfortable.
If you are ready to have a helping hand but are unsure of where to begin, our Care Reps can help you build a program that works for you and your unique needs. To schedule a teleconference or in-person consultation, please call 1-800-530-5541 or complete the form.
13th Annual Dennis J. Crotty Memorial Golf Outing
Save the Date: Friday, July 26, 2024
Culbertson Hills Golf Resort
Team Registration will be open soon!

In the past eleven years, this event has raised over $150,000 for the CRI Life Enrichment Program. This year all proceeds will help our Life Enrichment Program. The CRI Enrichment Program enables the elderly and people with disabilities to take part in events and activities to enrich their lives, ranging from creative and expressive art, to community outings and events, from exercise and wellness to peer support and self-help, all part of the CRI Bright, Vibrant, and Active initiative. We also continue to support people at the end of their lives, enabling peaceful dignity in their final days and hours through our hospice wraparound program