On April 26, 2024, CRI had the privilege of hosting the Pennsylvania Statewide Independent Living Council for the presentation of the draft Pennsylvania’s 2024-2027 State Plan on Independent Living (SPIL). This plan is a crucial blueprint outlining the state’s initiatives and priorities for supporting and providing services to individuals with disabilities.

The creation of the SPIL is a comprehensive process that involves presenting a draft for public feedback. CRI believes it is essential for the voices of those in northwestern Pennsylvania to be heard in decisions that impact their supports and services. The guiding principle behind this belief is clear: “Nothing about us without us.” This underscores the importance of including people with disabilities in the decision-making processes that affect their lives.

Our executive director, who is appointed by the governor to the Statewide Independent Living Council and serves on its executive board, plays a vital role in ensuring that the needs and perspectives of our community are represented at the state level.

At CRI, we are dedicated to providing ongoing opportunities for individuals in northwestern Pennsylvania to offer input on services and supports and to advocate for disability rights. By hosting events like this, we aim to foster a more inclusive and responsive system that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved in shaping the future of independent living in Pennsylvania. Together, we can make a difference.